Fruits are extremely beneficial for good health. Few body conditions allows one to eat them in less quantity, otherwise fruits never overload the body with extra digestion work, keeping the body less stressed.

Fruits are packed with nutrients, antioxidants, fibre and potassium and all these are very useful to the body compared to many foods overloaded with calories. Fruits are low in calories, help in weight-loss and at the same time filling. But at the same time it wont be correct to live only on fruits and miss out other important foods to give our body the right balance.

Let's discuss few fruits and their benefits.

Banana image


There is a myth pertaining to this fruit that it is fattening. Infact bananas are full of vitamin B6, Potassium and Fibre thus help in reducing the risk of heart disease. If we consume one banana a day, we need not worry about weight gain.



Its red juice is full of polyphenol antioxidant. It reduces the LDL in the blood thus is heart healthy. It removes toxins from the body and improves the blood flow.



This is one fruit which is full of health benefits. It has an enzyme called papain which helps in digestion. It has fibre, vitamin C and carotenes.



High in antioxidant, consuming blueberries keeps the fat cells from accumulating in the body thus aiding weight loss. 

Eating strawberries produces a hormone known as adiponectin and leptin which increase metabolic rate helping in fat burning property. They are also anti inflammatory healing internal injuries.



This highly fibreous fruit is helpful in fat burning. Consume it during breakfast for full benefits.



This fruit with sweet and sour flavour is full of vitamin C and antioxidants. The black seeds within are insoluble fibres aiding to no constipation.



This fruit is low in calorie and high in fibre. It contains vitamin, minerals and iron, also helps in slimming down the body.



It is one of the most fibre rich food. It lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, is an energy booster, prevents aging, boosts immunity, balances hormones, improves bone health, regulates bowel movement and reduces constipation.

So if you want to look healthier, lose weight, feel fresh then incorporate fruits in our daily diet.

Hot Chocolate, Not only Tasty but also Healthy

A delicious hot chocolate drink is always welcome in winter. It serves both the purposes, health and taste. A cup of hot milk is a good source of protein and calcium. A little sugar added to it is a mood elevator. A spoon of chocolate powder added to it is full of flavonoids which are the antioxidants of cocoa present in it. These antioxidants are anti-aging and immunity boosters. They have the capacity to fight free radicles, which harm the body. Hot chocolate has theobromine which helps the blood flow in the body giving the brain a good supply of blood. This further boosts the mental alertness and mental activity. This improved blood flow also lowers the blood pressure. Minerals like copper and iron present in chocolate powder further make the drink more healthy.