How important is chewing food

todays world of multitasking, one eats for the sake of eating but forgets to CHEW. 

todays world of multitasking, one eats for the sake of eating but forgets to CHEW.


We all love to take care of our health and want to know all about healthy foods. The idea is to ingest the right food and become more healthy. Sure, why not.
Eating healthy is the correct way to take care of the body. But wait a minute, are you chewing your healthy food? Well, maybe no.
Are you always in a hurry while eating? There is a great possibility that in todays world of multitasking, one eats for the sake of eating but forgets to CHEW.
We watch TV, do computers, have meeting, play board games, chat on phone... all while eating. Yes true, and at the same time forget to chew the food. 

Chewing food correctly is important for the health of the digestive system and thus avoid many health problems. The process of chewing food is called mastication. The process of digesting food starts in the mouth. Our salivary glands release an enzyme called ptyalin by chewing. The sugars ie. the carbohydrates starts splitting here into simple sugars before entering the stomach. So no chewing food means the food directly entering the stomach without starting the digesting process and thus one suffers from gas, bloating or diarrhea. If food is not chewed properly then the large pieces of food have to stay back longer in the stomach hence the growth of bacteria increases creating uneasiness or stomach infections. Also not chewing food lets the big particles enter the stomach and due to this there is less absorption of vitamin and minerals during its passage in the gut. Accumulation of unbroken food in the teeth increases plague formation further promoting cavities. Inadequate chewing can lead to constipation, acid reflux, and heartburn.

Weight gain sometimes due to eating fast without chewing can make a person not realize the amount of calories he/she is eating. So crush and churn the food before gulping it.

Researches suggest to chew the food 20 times to get rid of the above problems, but the fact remains that we chew it just 6 times .

So before you decide how much healthy food to eat, know how to correctly eat and remain healthy by avoiding un-necessary health issues.