Gluten Intolerance
/Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder which affects the small intestine and gluten sensitivity is a condition where the lining of small intestine gets inflamed and damaged, becomes hard enough for the nutrients to get absorbed thus leaving the body under nourished.
Non celiac gluten sensitivity or also called as glucose intolerance is a disorder where the intestine is irritated with gluten rich foods and one can suffer from abdominal pain, bloating, irregular bowel movements, nausea.
Wheat allergy causes the immune system to respond to a food protein because it considers it dangerous to the body when it actually isn’t. This immune response is often time-limited and does not cause lasting harm to body tissues.
The best way to remain healthy in above condition is to remain gluten-free through out. Avoid wheat, rye, barley and its by products. Avoid all the commercial foods available in the market which contains the above grains. This can be breads, cakes, biscuits, breakfast cereals. Always read the ingredients before buying these products. Even if these grains are in small quantity , avoid buying them as they can irritate the gut.
In this condition one can eat all corn and corn products, rice and rice products, amaranth, arrowroot, buckwheat (kasha), cassava, flax, millet, quinoa, sorghum, soy, tapioca, all foods made from gluten-free grain, nuts, beans and coconut.