Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance means the body cannot easily digest lactose, a type of natural sugar found in milk and dairy products. This is not the same thing as food allergy to milk. Ideally when the natural sugar of milk moves through the intestine not getting digested then it creates discomfort like pain, gas and bloating. All this is due to the lack of enzyme called lactase, which digests the milk sugar lactose. The above symptoms can be mild or severe depends on how much lactase the body is making. If it makes little lactase then one can ingest some milk or its products.

This condition can be by birth or developed later in life, and every lactose intolerant person is different from the other. One may digest a little milk and the other may not at all digest. Some people can digest some milk with out any symptoms and other might develop symptoms like throwing up, flatulence, and uneasiness. Some people tolerate curd and cheese though they have same amount of lactose as milk. One can keep trying eating some milk products in small amount to check if it is getting digested. One special care has to be taken in lactose intolerant people and that is that should be able to get enough calcium and vitamin D from other food products. The foods they should eat are soya and its products, spinach, different fishes, broccoli, oranges, lettuce, dark green vegetables, calcium fortified breakfast cereals, fruit juices, chicken eggs and liver.

Remember lactose can be in small portions in commercial food products. So recognize them to avoid them. For example they are breads, bakery product, pancakes, biscuits, salad dressings, protein powder and bars, doughnuts, instant foods and soups, powdered coffee creamers.

So be aware and enjoy life as much. Be it lactose intolerant

Healthy Winter

As winters approach, the seasonal change brings in breathing difficulty, cold, coughs, sore throat, sinusitis, specially when the body's immunity is not high, all of these keep bothering through out the winter season. Some diet changes really help increasing the immunity. Like  a high intake of vitamin C really helps. So, do not forget to take Amla in this season. A mixture of honey and ginger helps the respiratory disorders to be at bay.

Another problem commonly seen is blocked nose . Take steam regularly, add eucalyptus oil and mint leaves in the water used for steam. Make a habit of gargling regularly with warm salty water to keep the throat clean.

Take warm lemon water once a day as it is high in vitamin C which again increases immunity. Use black pepper in foods and seasonings. Usage of cloves , cumin seeds, kesar/ saffron, cardamom is also beneficial in this season.

Some weight gain is expected in this season. Since our aim is to increase the immunity, it is fine as we want a healthy body which does not fall sick again and again